The Word of God


The Word of God

By Pastor Rip Baillargeon

First Baptist Church, W.U.

Being a Christian, I know that in the Bible Jesus is called the Word. John 1:1 begins: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. And the Word was God. John continues by saying that “through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

At first, it seems to be a little strange to call someone the Word. What was John thinking when he wrote these words? Why would he choose “Word” as a means of describing Jesus? 

Perhaps this will help to get a better understanding.

God’s Word is a verb. It’s an “action” word. To know the book, chapter and verse of something in the Bible means nothing if we do not put into action what it is that God is talking about. To just read about feeding the hungry does not help those who are in need of food. It takes an action by you to accomplish something. If we do nothing when we see someone in grief or sorrow and walk away from them without at least giving a few kind words, we are not putting His Word into action. To see the man on the corner begging and walk away is not the proper way to put action into God’s Word.

I’m sure everyone has heard of all the suffering that has taken place in Haiti. Even now, there are many who have no home or work. Perhaps this is a place where you make good use of God’s Word and put into action His love for all people. 

There are so many ways to put the Word of God into action. Check in with the Salvation Army or the Fayette County Food Shelf in Fayette. I am sure they can tell you about the needs right here at home. Lend a helping hand at a food kitchen. How about volunteering some time at the hospital or one of the nursing homes? Perhaps there is an elderly person you know who could use some help getting his or her garden ready, or you could make time to visit with someone who is alone and lonely.

Yes, God’s Word is indeed a verb! It’s not meant for us just to read it, but to do what it says. It’s great reading and studying the Bible and knowing exactly what it says. But remember, if we don’t put His Word into action, it’s not accomplishing anything.

God’s Peace, 

Pastor Rip

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